The Poplar St. parking lot at the Juravinski Cancer Centre is closed from June 3 to September 27. Click here for more info.

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January 13, 2021

An update on outbreaks of COVID-19 at Hamilton Health Sciences – Jan. 13

HAMILTON, ON – There are currently three HHS sites with declared COVID outbreaks.

Satellite Health Facility

A total of 22 HHS patients and 18 staff are now positive for COVID-19 in the outbreak that was declared on the third floor of the Satellite Health Facility (SHF) on January 6.

All positive patients have been moved or are in the process of moving to the COVID units at the Hamilton General Hospital and the Juravinski Hospital. All COVID-positive staff members are in self-isolation.

The third floor is an HHS unit currently closed for admissions. No visitors are currently allowed on the floor except on compassionate grounds. Staff on the floor will not work anywhere else until the outbreak is declared over.

No updates available today for the Juravinski Hospital and Cancer Centre or the Hamilton General Hospital outbreaks.