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Hamilton Health Sciences Home
March 14, 2020

Major changes to learner placements during COVID-19

Decisions regarding learner safety are made by the hospital in consultation with educational program leaders. Considerations include the scope of practice of each learner’s profession, routine activities carried out by learners while on placement, and the ability of learners to be safely supervised.

Effective immediately, the following changes to learner placements will occur. These decisions have not been made lightly, and we remain committed to our learners and academic partners. These decisions will be evaluated regularly as things evolve.

Medical clerks, medical residents, clinical fellows:

  • All pre-clerkship electives for medical students are temporarily suspended until further notice
  • Clinical clerkship placements continue for both medical students and physician assistants
  • Clinical clerks will not attend to any isolated patients until further notice to reduce potential exposure and conserve PPE
  • This decision was made in discussion with the leadership at the Faculty of Health Sciences at McMaster University

All other learners:

  • Applies to everyone except medical clerks, medical residents, clinical fellows, essential research learners
  • ALL placements temporarily suspended until further notice
  • If currently on shift, please complete your shift

Students should continue to follow direction from their academic institutions. Any questions for HHS regarding placements can be directed to