The Poplar St. parking lot at the Juravinski Cancer Centre is closed from June 3 to September 27. Click here for more info.

stroke : 150 results found

Mourning the passing of David Braley

…charitable efforts to improving health care and research. Mr. Braley left his mark at Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) where his name adorns our globally-recognized David Braley Cardiac, Vascular and Stroke

Fighting to get back to her fighting weight

…an additional three months in the stroke unit before being transferred to the Regional Rehabilitation Centre at HHS to help in her recovery. “In Windsor, she laid in bed for…

Protecting your health and well-being during the pandemic

…mouth and nose covered. Most importantly, do not put your health on a back burner for fear of contracting COVI-19. If you have chest pain, stroke symptoms or if you…

Hospital employee becomes a patient

…sensation crawling up her arms. “I thought I was having a stroke,” she says. “I veered on the side of caution and called the paramedics. I was later told I…

Stroke victim gets a second chance at life

…this vessel stops, there is a very slim chance of living. The exact name of this type of stroke is large vessel atherosclerosis or atheroembolic stroke. Atherosclerosis (deposition of cholesterol…

Regional stroke centre finds evidence of three previous “silent strokes”

…three previous ones that had been “silent.” “The stroke team at the General have been nothing but fantastic,” he says. Silent strokes Silent strokes (also called silent cerebral infarctions or…