The Poplar St. parking lot at the Juravinski Cancer Centre is closed from June 3 to September 27. Click here for more info.

Hypertension Clinic

The monthly Pediatric Hypertension Clinic provides evidence-based comprehensive care to children with hypertension from infancy until 18 years. It aims at early detection (including performing ambulatory blood pressure monitoring) and treatment of hypertension to reduce the risk of future complications associated with high blood pressure. Referrals from family physicians, general pediatricians and pediatric subspecialists are encouraged.

For more information, visit the Nephrology page for patients and families.

Patients/Conditions To Refer

  • Children <13 years with persistently elevated blood pressure (90th to 95th percentile), stage 1 hypertension >95th to 95th percentile + 12 mmHg, stage 2 hypertension >95th percentile+ 12 mmHg due to any reason
  • Children >13 years with persistently elevated blood pressure (>120/80 mmHg – 129/80 mmHg), stage 1 hypertension (130/80 – 139/89), stage 2 hypertension (>140/90) due to any reason
  • Children with complex, difficult to manage hypertension

Referral & Contact Information


Phone: 905-521-2100 ext. 78517

Fax: 905-521-5056

Our patients are seen on a consultative basis. Thus a referral is required from a physician. There is no specific clinic referral form.

Assessment Options

  • In-person visits
  • Virtual consultations