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Parent Christine Haylock credits the McMaster Children’s Hospital Extensive Needs Service for improving the bond between her and her son, nurturing a healthy and supportive relationship that they never thought possible.
May 15, 2024

Breaking Down Barriers: a mother and son’s transformative experience with new Extensive Needs Service

For years, Christine Haylock found herself in a constant battle navigating the intricate health care system for her teenaged son Matthew, who faced numerous developmental complexities, including ADHD and anxiety. Christine and her son were overwhelmed and frustrated by disjointed services and long waiting lists. These services not only failed to fully meet Matthew’s needs but didn’t support Christine as a parent striving to provide the best possible care for her son.

Their journey took a pivotal turn when, after two long years of waiting, Matthew finally received a diagnosis of autism and a referral to the new Extensive Needs Services (ENS) program at Hamilton Health Sciences’ McMaster Children’s Hospital (MCH).

“For us, the ENS program has been nothing short of life-changing.”

This groundbreaking pilot initiative, jointly funded by Ontario’s Ministry of Health and the Ministry of Children, Community, and Social Services, provides MCH and two other Ontario hospitals with a combined total of $97 million in funding over three years to support the program’s implementation. The program also launched at the Children’s Hospital of Eastern Ontario (CHEO) in Ottawa, and Holland Bloorview Kids’ Rehabilitation Hospital in Toronto.

The ENS program was developed to address the needs of children and youth with multiple diagnoses who require a team approach across physical, mental, behavioural, and developmental health, and social vulnerabilities.

To ensure that all aspects of a child’s development and progress are considered, the team’s holistic approach extends into the community, in collaboration with social service agencies and education providers as required.

“Everybody works as a team, and they make us number one”

Open, frequent communication and collaboration are at the core of the ENS approach to serving the family. Christine can call or email the team anytime to ensure that everyone knows the latest developments and they provide swift responses to any concerns or questions.

“This level of support was invaluable, especially when navigating challenges related to Matthew’s school experience, which has been mired with social and academic challenges,” says Christine. “Everybody works as a team, and they make us number one.”

Helping children and parents

From the moment they joined the program, Matthew and Christine felt supported and understood. The ENS team quickly set up appointments for Matthew, connecting him with a psychologist and an applied behaviour analysis (ABA) specialist for assessments and support.

“Dr. Shine has helped me be a better parent, be a better person and really take care of myself.”

Dr. Rebecca Shine wears a red blazer.

Dr. Rebecca Shine

As part of the Family Check-Up component of ENS, Christine began regular sessions with psychologist Dr. Rebecca Shine. Her expertise offers vital support for Christine’s well-being and growth as a parent supporting a child in the program. Through their collaborative efforts, they identify priorities, set goals, access necessary services, and implement tailored parenting strategies to meet Matthew’s unique needs.

“Dr. Shine has helped me be a better parent, be a better person and really take care of myself. When she talks to you, she talks to you as a person, not as a therapist,” says Christine. “Sometimes I’ve cried for a whole hour, and she understands. She’s been an excellent support to me, which helps me be better support for Matthew.”

Growth and progress for mother and son

Christine credits the ENS program for improving the bond between her and her son, nurturing a healthy and supportive relationship that they never thought possible.

“The Extensive Needs Service has transformed our lives. From the beginning to now, I have seen a lot of growth in Matthew. And the best thing is he sees a lot of growth in himself. He’s got a lot more confidence and I know he will continue to grow,” said Christine.

“For us, the ENS program has been nothing short of life-changing.”