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A neurologist stands in portrait
September 24, 2018

Introducing… a neurologist

Dr. Barbara Connolly is a neurologist based at Hamilton General Hospital and assistant professor at McMaster University. She has been with Hamilton Health Sciences (HHS) for five years.

She also completed a fellowship in movement disorders at the University of Toronto from 2011-2013 and her neurology residency at McMaster from 2006-2011.

What do you do?

As a neurologist and movement disorders specialist, my practice focuses on evaluating and managing patients with neurological disorders that affect movement. This includes Parkinson’s disease and other causes of tremors, Huntington’s disease and other causes of chorea, dystonia, ataxia, myoclonus and tics.

What do you love most about your job?

I love my job because it is intellectually challenging and diverse. There are regular new developments in the field, which keeps my work interesting and exciting.

It is gratifying for me to address the wide variety of concerns and issues my patients have to help them optimize their quality of life. I tend to treat patients with chronic diseases, so I get to know them and their families over time, which is also very rewarding.

“I treat patients with chronic diseases, so I get to know them and their families over time.”

Who inspires you?

I am inspired by my mentor, Dr. Anthony Lang, a brilliant and world-renowned movement disorders specialist. He continuously maintains his expertise by keeping abreast with new research. He also helps the specialty move forward by participating in international committees and programs. At the patient level, he consistently thinks outside of the box when it comes to figuring out the cause of unusual symptoms.

‘What would Tony do?’ runs through my mind when I face a challenging case. He grew his clinic into a leading movement disorders treatment, research and training facility. I hope to do the same thing here at HHS.

What is the biggest challenge in your role?

The biggest challenge in my clinical role is making sure I can offer the best support possible for my patients, who have chronic and debilitating diseases. There are many disciplines and roles required to provide the best care, not just in the hospital, but in the broader community. By enhancing their quality of life, we can greatly impact symptom control and disease progression.